Indie4Indie | OGI Eyewear | Swell Vision Center
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OGI Eyewear’s Indie4Indie series explores the indie eyecare community’s rich, colorful and varied partnerships. Whether it was love at first sight or on second glance, every partnership formed has a unique story worth telling.

Indie4Indie: Swell Vision 

Today, we’re shining the spotlight on Swell Vision Center, a 100% independent full-service optometry practice located in Brunswick Forest, North Carolina. Swell Vision takes pride in providing patients access to state-of-the-art equipment and exceptional customer service in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

Swell Vision is a Master dealer partner of ours, meaning that the relationship has become pretty serious! Master-level partners entail a mutual commitment to success and matched dedication to the partnership.


We always love chatting with our partners, and today, we sat down with Craig Scibal, CEO of Swell Vision Center, to hear his take on the relationship between Swell Vision and OGI Eyewear.


Q: What makes OGI Eyewear a good partner? Why did you choose us?

A: OGI Eyewear is clearly devoted to quality, and this value aligns with our goal at Swell Vision to offer only the highest quality products to our patients. We always aim to provide personalized experiences for our patients and meet each patient’s unique needs. With OGI Eyewear’s impressive umbrella of brands, there’s a frame to fit every style, helping our patients look and feel their best at all times.


Q: What do you value most about your partnership with OGI Eyewear?

A: OGI Eyewear excels at both customer service and product variety. 


Q: What’s your favorite OGI Eyewear look?

A: I love the Seraphin Drummond frames so much I was married in them. The neoclassical shape, the variety of colors, the attention to detail… they’re fantastic.


Q: What does it mean to you to be part of the independent community, and how are partnerships important in the indie community?

A: Our entire practice revolves around being independent. We love being an independent practice! It’s important that we at Swell Vision have the freedom to practice optometry the way we believe it should be practiced. Being able to offer the highest quality products and service is a direct extension of being independent. When sellers like OGI Eyewear are dedicated to helping and supporting the indie community, we all win.


Q: What three words would you use to describe us?

A: Stylish. Fun. Quality.


Q: Is there anything else you’d like to add about partnering with OGI Eyewear?

A: OGI was one of the first frame lines we carried when our practice opened in 2016. It has consistently been among our top sellers and patients love the variety of colors and styles on offer. We’ve enjoyed our partnership with OGI and look forward to many more years together!


Cheers, Swell Vision! A toast to our continued partnership, your ongoing growth and rising success.


If you’re an independent practice based in North Carolina and South Carolina, and you want to partner with OGI Eyewear, send us an email at and let’s get to know each other better.

previously in INDIE 4 INDIE SERIES:

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